Lost count of the number of times I shouted, "I've lost shields!" I’d insult them further, but they managed to Game Over me six or seven times between their missile-chucking drones and sniper-scoped minefields. The Batarians-who’ve got weaker chins than Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell-make their introductions, and are currently driving an extinction-level-event-sized asteroid towards a planet. But on the way to scooping her up, I accidentally landed on the Bring Down the Sky DLC. You know, the blue-skinned gender-fluid alien that sparked a “SexBox” debate on Fox News.

I took the scenic route to my first mission as a Spectre: finding Dr.

There aren’t too many songs making up the Soundtrack to My Life. But if I don’t post something, it’s usually because I didn’t hear anything fresh that caught my attention, and I’d rather just post “Uncharted Worlds” again but don’t. In the Gaming Nexus Slack channel, we often post some new track for New Music Fridays. (I guess that’s something that gets lost in my no-commentary gameplays.) So while I ended my last stream stepping up to the galaxy map for the first time, the part you didn’t see, after I shut off the stream, was me entering this song’s vast, meditative space, and feeling my 2007 initial playthrough of Mass Effect start to wash over me like 100 billion stars in the Milky Way. I’ve heard nothing else quite like it in gaming. The galaxy map music continually runs the risk of becoming robotic and monotonous, but still somehow maintains an atmosphere of mystery and humanity. The airy flute and plucky electronic cadence have kept me focused many, many times when the caffeine drip had long since worn off. But (but!) there have been more than one nose-to-the-grindstone days at work where I’ve YouTubed that galaxy map music. As good as they are, I’m not playing Minecraft’s soundtrack while I’m doing house chores, or bumping The Witcher 3 down the road. I give all due respect to video game soundtracks as a whole, but I don’t often Spotify them on the regular. Thank you, Sam Hulick, for masterfully composing “Uncharted Worlds,” the galaxy map music. Every time they step up onto that platform. Ever been to the roof of the galaxy? Commander Shepard has. I’m picturing myself right now, in my Space Navy uniform, standing on the short platform leading up to a top-down view of the Milky Way inside the Normandy’s blue-lit hull. I could listen to the galaxy map music for hours.