RELATED: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide's Latest News and Game Updates Chaos With Blood Bowl III on the way, there's no better time than now to revisit Blood Bowl II's teams to determine which ones are the best. In doing this, players will begin to find that some teams certainly stand above the crowd. That's a lot of teams to strategize and plan for, but it can be done. The Legendary Edition of Blood Bowl II added 8 new races to the game, giving players a total of 18 races when all DLC is accounted for. One strategy that works for team A may not be so good for Team B, which even the comics based on the property show. Every team has a set of strengths and a set of weaknesses, and players need to sort through them to decide the best way to play them, should they choose that team. Players have experienced the RNG and dice rolling that came with that for two main series games now, and part of that equation comes down to the team that is assembled.

Based on the popular Games Workshop board game, Blood Bowlis a series that has tried to stick close to the rules that govern the tabletop game it's based on.